Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Love Love Love

Five months into 2009 and where are we?  In the middle of a ghastly MPs expenses war/economic breakdown/swine flu panademic that's where.  We clamber around our lives trying to make sense of everything around us which seems to be unfolding with complete bizarre goings on at every corner possible.  Or is that just me?  

At the end of the day amongst the madness, gems can be found however superficial they appear, everything else can sink along with the titanic.

Balmain Shoulders: LOVE LOVE LOVE.  How great are these 70s/80s shoulders reinvented?  They so shouldn't work but by golly gosh they are so wearable.  
Compared to other 80s revivals like the crop top you don't have to be 5 stone to wear a strong shoulder, in fact it's in your favour to have a few curves to balance out your jaunty shoulder.  Attitude is something you must have mind you, this is a look that gets people talking, take a tip and don't do a Rhianna at the Met Costume Ball though (above), for such a pretty girl she looks pretty rough!  More Barbara Hulancki (right) less pointing eyes out with your fake shoulders!

Sunshine Underground: On a sunny/rainy day in Dundee, a group of friends meet and bounce along to the fun and loud SUNSHINE UNDERGROUND.  This is great because 1: this group of friends had lost a bit of hope in everything and 2: Sunshine Underground are on top form.  Losing all inhibitions at a gig is highly recommended and should be done by everyone who loves music at least twice a year.  

Stephen Fretwell: Accoustic, hauntingly lovely voice, perfect melodies - sounds utterly cliched, it's not.  Listen to him.