Sunday, 27 September 2009

Christopher Kane, need I explain?

Philip Green's latest venture is a winner.
Christopher Kane for Topshop is a super collection of shocking crocodiles, brilliant black and tight tight tight gorgeousness that is seriously making me consider taking up shoplifting. Ok, the price is a lot less compared to the sashaying creations he sends down the Catwalks, but prices are still a little too high for the girl about town who loves fashion but is limited to spending money on carefully picked accessories and bargains. For the record I did pick up a great tasseled leather bag for £3.00 on Friday from a second hand shop.

One purchase, however I can justify. And I'm having a serious case of envy (envious of the pretty Topshop girls who walk past this garment every day at work of course) over the sherbet yellow bright bandage dress which looks like a pop of Indian Summer amongst a sea of the new gothic trend. It will look striking at winter parties with lace tights and shoe boots. I think I may even dream about it tonight. Kane's clothes cause crazy dreams I imagine, they should come with a warning.

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