Friday, 12 March 2010

Chelsea Girl

I was dreaming of New York the other day because a couple of people in my class were supposed to be going there on placement but they couldn't get their Visas sorted in time - or something - who knows, I am so naive I didn't even know you needed a Visa to work in a different part of the world. I thought that a passport allowed you to travel and work freely but apparently that just applies to the EU. As far as I've gathered.

Chelsea as in NYC not the English football club. We don't like that club or it's footballers. Chelsea Market in the Meatpacking District of New York looks like a fun filled market with lots of food and gifts on sale. Every time I visit somewhere I really enjoy a good rummage in a market. There's always lots of tat and you can end up buying a really random ornament that usually ends up in your mum or grandma's possession. I think that Chelsea Market is slightly more up-market though as there is even a Nicole Farhi (as in the designer Nicole Farhi) restaurant there. And you can eat expensive food in her 202 restaurant surrounded by garments which you can buy whilst you eat. That's like a consumer's dream. Consuming fashion whilst consuming food. Overload.

Decorated biscuits. I heart NY. Probably although I've never been as yet.

Lots of different bread. This is like my dream. I'm a carb monster. I couldn't live without bread and I don't trust people who don't eat it. The Atkins diet was pure lunacy.

Look at the size of the pumpkins!!

CUPCAKES! Food heaven. I'm going to embark on a cupcake journey soon, to buy the ingredients and bake cupcakes. I received a cupcake cook book recently. If they look like this I will be in heaven.
Nicole Farhi scarf. Upmarket Chelsea gifts.
Nicole Farhi sweater. Nice big spots.

Bourjois released these limited edition little pots at the end of last year but I hadn't appreciated how gorgeous they really are until now! The Bourjois blusher pots brighten up your cheeks a treat. You can get them on ASOS. In fact you can really get anything on there. I even found a magazine which was an interesting read and it turned the pages with sound effects on my laptop. Is this the start of the slow death of the print industry?

While we're on the beauty topic, nothing beats Carmex for dry lips! The cherry one smells ace.

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