Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Desperate Housewife

I dream of the day when I don't stay at my parent's home anymore.  Don't get me wrong, they are lovely and are very good to me.  They indulge me in all my cereal cravings and we have at least seven boxes of cereal in the cupboard in our house at all times but after living elsewhere whilst doing my first university course it's hard adjusting back to living at home.  For example apparently it's not ok to eat cereal every night for tea (but they don't help by buying all that bloody cereal) and apparently it's normal to go to bed at 10:15pm.  When I'm creeping around the house at half ten making a cup of tea or hot chocolate trying desperately not to drop a spoon or crash the cutlery drawer,  I feel like I'm doing something wrong.  This isn't anyone's fault, it's just time for me to fly the nest.

In previous generations at the age of 23 you would probably have your own place and you would be married with a child, maybe even two.  Or three, a couple of generations ago.  But this is less common nowadays as women are getting married later (if at all) and having children later.  Who knows if I'll do any of those crazy things but I hope I live in my own flat in the near future.  Only to discover too late how truly brilliant living at home really is.  Anyway, these gorgeous homeware goodies below (under Bree) would look lovely there. 

Bree Van De Kamp - a typical desperate housewife

Cath Kidston bag.  Cherries are the best.
Another Cath Kidston classic - pretty floral table cloth.  Imagine the floral themed parties you could throw?

Rubber duck for the bath room is a must obviously

Cherry button mirror. Cath Kidston for £1.50 = bargain!

These hand creams look yum.

Fancy a brew?  Yes I do!  Apron and tea towel from Anthropologie

Owl, fairy tale mirror and cups.  All from Anthropologie.

It's the apron that Charlotte wears in the new SATC!  Thank you to one reader in Texas who gave me the heads  up!  :)


  1. cath kitson has the cutest retro floral designs.. if i ever move out also then that pattern is what i want all over my house! oh that and cereal and small spoons, obviously! :)

  2. I thought the apron said, 'fancy a bree?' I was like hell yeah I do, I sooo want to be Bree Van de camp!! xx
