Monday, 1 March 2010

Mini me

My friend Lauren alerted me the other day that Topshop stock baby clothes. The line is called Mini and is pretty cute! I'm not the maternal type really but I think I would quite like a child to dress up. Maybe Topshop will start doing babies soon, if they do I want a Suri-a-like or maybe even a Shiloh Nouvel-a-like. I haven't decided yet.

Mini Rose Jeggings. At £22 they don't come cheap

I do like a white tee

This is my favourite. Looks super cosyMini floral crew sweat, a crew sweatfor a minor? I thought I had seen everything and then this!

Of course Suri Cruise apparently shops in Baghere, the ultimate haute couture for the enfant. I do mean Suri and not her mother or father of course. That child definitely is in complete control of her parents and she has better style than them too. Sorry Tom, but the aviators just don't do it for me anymore.

Haute Couture Enfant. This probably costs more than life itself because the price is not even on the website. And the website is French so I didn't understand anything. The models look like mini grown ups like in Victorian times when childhood didn't exist and what we now know as children were in fact just mini adults who should be seen and not heard.

Suri the mini adult? Her cover is blown with the big pink elephant. Celeste of Babar fame of course.
Again Elmo gives the game away, we know your not a woman yet Cruise! I really want that coat.

I realise male clothes don't get a much of a mention on here. I always think they are never as exciting as girls clothes. I take it back though - the male infant clothes in Mamas and Papas reeled me in on their descriptions.

For example their Steam Punk collection is described as: "Waiting backstage are little rock stars wearing cool denims teamed with T-shirts layered with stylish knits from the Limited edition Steam Punk collection." What the hell do they mean by steam punks?
This would definitely be a hit backstage. I feel it.

This is like a Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl dream.

The Mamas & The Papas. I always think of this band whenever I see or hear about the shop.
This isn't a bad thing.


  1. I want that sweater with the hamster, Rachel, I HAVE to have it. I need to shrink!

  2. Hehe me too, lets turn into Alice in wonderland and shrinkkkkkkkk!

    Rach xx

  3. I lvoe that I got a mention in your blog!!! Yas, I am like your PA scoping out stories for your to write about. I think you should write about the old mannie from Little Britain - artic roll - obviously!! x
