Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Easter Hats & Cakes

The Japanese catwalks were awash with crazy hats recently.  This is a sure sign that hats are definitely on the comeback and this comes just after we chatted about the importance of hats the at the weekend.

So the lesson of the day is wear a hat or wear your hair weird, high and big.  If all else fails try my personal favourite: wear a cake on your head.  In this case it was a three tiered wedding cake but a cupcake would have the same effect.  Especially since it's Easter.  This could be your easter hat.  Get your easter hat on.  Children make easter hats at school you know, I'm not making this up.  
Everlasting Sprout and Somarta chose animal inspired creations.  Nothing wrong with that.  Ram horn pig tails are streets ahead.  Remember the blog on Topshop Unique when they sampled animal headgear at London Fashion Week recently?  It's definitely a winner. 

The Jazzkatze models had candy floss inspired hair or maybe that's a hat.  Who knows but it's genious!  And Fur Fur had the wedding cake.  Brilliant.

Kamishima had Edward Scissorhands doing the hair.  What else could explain the crazy angular cuts?  In Process models had a shaved head with decorative paper covering it.  Not high maintenance then...

Mint Designs had crazy architecture and Aguri Sagamori models wore visors adorned with black butterflies.  Can't be that handy to see.

Fabiola Arias went for the bird nest look while Yushio Kubo went for the 'male deer with twigs in his antlers' look.  It will definitely have the female deer fawning after him.

Image source: Refinery 29 dot com

Mark and his pink easter hat.  This is an old photo.  It was his niece Kayley's easter effort.  You can't see it properly but it really was something special. It had fluffy chickens on it.  Paperchase sells lots of easter things.  Do people have easter parties nowadays?  

A cake from Simply Cakes.  This is perfect for your head.  And weddings.

Speaking of cakes I found this amazing blog called Maggie's cupcakes - The obsessive compulsive cupcake.  I almost leaped with joy!  Maggie is based in Aberdeen and her cupcakes looks beautiful.  I can't wait for the right moment to order some and to even wear some on my head.  She even does them in gluten free and vegan options.  

Pecans!  Wowzers!

Look at the pastel colours.  This is heaven.

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