Thursday, 25 March 2010


First it is necessary to say that Geronimo is designer Jenny Reyes' middle name.  It says "no kidding" on her website so we will have to believe her.  James Corden's middle name is Kimberley so stranger things have happened.  Secondly Jenny is connected to another Jenny.  Jenny Lewis.  Miss Lewis is beautiful, talented and something of a hero to a couple of my friends.  She also has a Scottish boyfriend for the record.  Unless they've split up since the drunken American meeting she had with Claire and Laura (said friends) a couple of years ago.  In fact it was just when Celtic legend Tommy Burns died so I'm guessing the date was 15 May 2008 for those of you who like all the details.  Stumbling across her website was a real treat as her designs are gorgeous and are all fit for Miss Lewis (and the Watson twins for good measure).  

Jenny Reyes travelled the country with Rilo Kiley and Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins and designed all the stage outfits for the latter's 2006 world tour: Rabbit Fur Coat.  She then interned for Rodarte so has bags of experience and creativity from the music and fashion worlds.

This definitely cheers you up on a dreary day like today. The thick fog outside is obscuring the view of the prison wall.  And it looks as if you could wade through it.  

These are snaps from the lookbook of her Spring 10 collection.  Her Spring 09 collection online looks gorgeous too.

And this is Rilo Kiley.  Shorts are definitely one of Jenny's favourites.  She was way ahead of the trends.

Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins.  I'm unsure if the twins have first names or two personalities.  They might just share.  

This is the wall of Claire's old living room/kitchen.  

Jenny Lewis' video for a single See Fernando which came out last year.  This is a fun video :)

Jenny Lewis "See Fernando" from Team G on Vimeo.

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