Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Exciting Times

So the Libertines are set to reform for the Leeds and Reading festival.  In fact they already have, click here for more details on a guerilla gig where they played Libertines favourites including Music When the Lights Go Out and Death on the Stairs.  Exciting stuff.  Carl has obviously got bored of being in a play with Sadie Frost.  Anyone would to be fair.

And in other exciting news ASOS is selling Care Bear suits.  Do a Lilly Allen and wear one with pride:

The all in one animal suits do look a bit like pyjamas although they'd be super hot to sleep in.  But with the return of snow maybe this isn't too severe a fashion choice for bed or in the street.

I never spend money on what I sleep in and tend to wear a big Tshirt.  Sometimes a Libertines one.  It's time to make more effort, ASOS has lots of lovely bedtime wear.  I especially love the Zebra top and leggings.

Wouldn't be the comfiest thing to sleep in but would certainly get someone into bed so that's a plus.

And after you had snared them in to bed, you can start getting out the zebra print.  

These Diesel silk bottoms look so comfy for lots of zzzzzzzzzzs.  I want to go PJ shopping.

If this video doesn't work, click the Libertines link above, it's on that page too :)

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Easter Hats & Cakes

The Japanese catwalks were awash with crazy hats recently.  This is a sure sign that hats are definitely on the comeback and this comes just after we chatted about the importance of hats the at the weekend.

So the lesson of the day is wear a hat or wear your hair weird, high and big.  If all else fails try my personal favourite: wear a cake on your head.  In this case it was a three tiered wedding cake but a cupcake would have the same effect.  Especially since it's Easter.  This could be your easter hat.  Get your easter hat on.  Children make easter hats at school you know, I'm not making this up.  
Everlasting Sprout and Somarta chose animal inspired creations.  Nothing wrong with that.  Ram horn pig tails are streets ahead.  Remember the blog on Topshop Unique when they sampled animal headgear at London Fashion Week recently?  It's definitely a winner. 

The Jazzkatze models had candy floss inspired hair or maybe that's a hat.  Who knows but it's genious!  And Fur Fur had the wedding cake.  Brilliant.

Kamishima had Edward Scissorhands doing the hair.  What else could explain the crazy angular cuts?  In Process models had a shaved head with decorative paper covering it.  Not high maintenance then...

Mint Designs had crazy architecture and Aguri Sagamori models wore visors adorned with black butterflies.  Can't be that handy to see.

Fabiola Arias went for the bird nest look while Yushio Kubo went for the 'male deer with twigs in his antlers' look.  It will definitely have the female deer fawning after him.

Image source: Refinery 29 dot com

Mark and his pink easter hat.  This is an old photo.  It was his niece Kayley's easter effort.  You can't see it properly but it really was something special. It had fluffy chickens on it.  Paperchase sells lots of easter things.  Do people have easter parties nowadays?  

A cake from Simply Cakes.  This is perfect for your head.  And weddings.

Speaking of cakes I found this amazing blog called Maggie's cupcakes - The obsessive compulsive cupcake.  I almost leaped with joy!  Maggie is based in Aberdeen and her cupcakes looks beautiful.  I can't wait for the right moment to order some and to even wear some on my head.  She even does them in gluten free and vegan options.  

Pecans!  Wowzers!

Look at the pastel colours.  This is heaven.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Hairy Bikers Tour - 26/03/2010 - The Music Hall, Aberdeen

Si King, one half of the Hairy Bikers duo, unbuttons his shirt and caresses his hairy man boobs whilst cooking a curry. An unexpected sight for a Friday night but nudity was on the menu. 

The Aberdonian crowd lost it’s stiffness and revealed a jovial side in the presence of the bikers. Si and his best friend Dave Myers talked us through their lives with plenty of laughs. Slapstick jokes revealed them as a comedy duo as well as great cooks.

A story (with wonderful actions) involving Si accidentally using Domestos wipes as toilet paper instead of anti-bacterial ones had the crowd falling off their chairs in fits of laughter.

In-between the banter the bikers cooked up what smelled like heaven. The smell of South Indian king prawn coconut curry filled the Music Hall as the audience licked their lips. However only one couple were treated to the meal on stage. They got to see Si’s Nigella Lawson impression close up. Yes that’s why he was caressing his chest. The couple soon forgot all eyes were on them and enjoyed their Friday  night curry and beer.  They finished the lot.

A cringe-worthy taste test in the second half proved entertaining when the woman volunteer failed to tell the difference between white and red wine and the male volunteer mixed up pork with beef. They were still rewarded for their efforts though and were treated to a juicy fillet steak bathed in butter, cooked cherry tomatoes and piping hot linguine. 

Steam rose from the pots and pans on stage and hovered by the top of the organ and across to the balcony. The mouth watering smell felt like a heavenly scratch and sniff. Perhaps that’s the next step for television after high definition. Our senses would be in for a treat.

Film snippets of past adventures were sprinkled in between the stories and cooking. The entertainment culminated in an ending which sounds like a dream sequence but bear with me. Dave appeared in a tight purple body suit and pranced around singing ‘Don’t Cry For Me Argentina’ while Si belted a miniature drum kit. The Che Guevara tattoo which they both got in Argentina looked brilliant next to the purple shiny material stuck to Dave.

A well deserved standing ovation followed. The crowd poured out of the venue with Hairy Bikers’ recipes in their programmes. No doubt vegetarians came out of the closet and everyone dreamed of the majestic steak that night.  Well, that or nudity. 

We were treated to the clip of this demonstration which they filmed in Argentina.  We found out it was permanent marker that Dave used to draw on Si. 

An Indian spread above.  How delicious does that look?

This was a photo taken in Vietnam.

In Argentina with some meat.

There's more photos, clips and gorgeous recipes on their website.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

This is for all you people

A weekend of Hairy Bikers, good food, drinking and dancing and Gemma doing a brilliant rendition of Rapper's Delight on the karaoke.  Complete with the cat's foot fetish.  Notice Sooz's gorgeous new shoes below from Faith.  

Sundays are for good music:

Saturday, 27 March 2010


Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a brilliant film.  Our TV now has Skyplus AND movies and sport programmed into it so I was able to catch a bit of this movie which I used to watch continually on a tape in the old days.  Nostalgic days of taping off the telly.  Technology has advanced somewhat.  What was striking about watching the film this time round was Jessica Rabbit.  That cartoon character is seriously sexy. How can anyone make a cartoon look that good?!  That tiny waist and the heaving bust with the shapely backside.  It was definitely a man that drew her and he definitely satisfied a fantasy (as well as every other man's fantasy the world over).  

The forties fashion is also great in the film.  The suits and fedoras on the men are so sharp.  The nipped in waists are gorgeous on the girls and it's easy to see why present day fashion continually goes back to the forties for inspiration as the shapes are so flattering and timeless.  The film is also hilarious.  It was made in the eighties but it seems really ahead of it's time.  When can we live in a world where cartoons move among us?  Where a baby smokes a cigar in it's pram, slaps women's arses and reads a newspaper?  I wait for the day.  

That rabbit is a laugh and a half.  And Bob Hoskins is pretty good in it too!
Here you go boys.  A fedora to look sexy in.  From the appropriately named website Village Hats

These photos are beautiful.  They were in a 1944 issue of Life Magazine.  These girls were snapped passing through Hollywood and Vine in Los Angeles.  It takes you back to classic Hollywood. Gorgeous :)

I love the girl on the right in the second photo.  She is wondering why her photo isn't being taken!

Forties today: I just bought this dress from Topshop yesterday for a wedding I'm going to soon.  It's really flattering.

Buttoned high waist skirt from River Island.  Channels the forties vibe.

From Miss Selfridge.  Ace colours and details.

The thirties

Public Enemies, the 1930s gangster film that came out last year has lots of great hats in it.  And it's an excuse to look at a photo of Johnny Depp.  Hats used to be worn constantly by people in previous decades where as they don't have the same presence nowadays.  Let's all wear hats with diction again, with attitude.

Brooding Depp.

An array of vintage suits on the men above and a cute cap on Miss Marion Cotillard.

A cloche.  They were all the rage for a period last year.  It culminated with Victoria Beckham wearing one, they became uncool again after that.

Coco Chanel in 1935.  Rarely seen without a hat.

A floppy wide brim or a flat cap.  Take your pick.

Friday, 26 March 2010

The Purple Party

Did you notice that the Labour party were fronting another colour other than red in the House of Commons on Wednesday?  Mr Darling wore it, as did Mr Brown.  It was purple.  Perhaps this was planned, perhaps it was a happy coincidence.  Perhaps they don't even support their own Party anymore.  Whatever the case there were a lot of varying purple ties and cardigans/blouses going on, on the green benches.  They were right on trend with the purple front, not sure about the budget.  We'll know the true budget following the election.  This is when the real cuts will happen and they will hit us hard.  And even more so if Cameron gets into Downing Street.  

Purple isn't a colour I've really ever worn but there's tons of purple on the high street.  It only took Alistair Darling and his budget for me to notice.    
The Labour Party benches

All of the above is from ASOS.  Gorgeous purpleness!!  Love the brogue heels.
This clutch is from Accessorize

Topshop!  Love the summer dress.  Don't think I'm brave enough for underwear as outerwear but I enjoy the lilacness of it! 

Anyone else glad it's FRIDAY!  Simian Mobile Disco at the Forum tomorrow, see you there.