Monday, 22 February 2010

Get yer antlers on

London began hosting it's Autumn/Winter 2010 Fashion Week on Friday. Fashion is always ahead of itself and that's why I like it. Since we are still in the depths of winter everything on the catwalks is appealing me to so much more than sorbet Spring colours. In fact I nipped into Topshop today to kill 5 minutes before shorthand and they actually had bikinis in stock. My skin hasn't seen real hot sunshine since a brief day in July last year when the sun came out in Guernsey. I love the sun but the cold north east wind up here means that even when the sun is shining on the glistening granite I still have goosepimples. It's good to give your pins a break from opague tights though.

Margaret Howell's show looked great (I only know from the photos because I'm miles away) but her looks are just up my street. Duffle coats, oversized shirt dresses, chunky knitwear, gilets, belting up and mannish shoes (see post below - flats rock!) and lots of layers. A recurring theme in a lot of the shows has been red especially in Howell's, I don't wear a lot of red but this could mean it will be everywhere come Autumn. Apparently I read on Grazia dot com that Alexa (as in Chung obviously) took a photo of one of the outfits and declared "I fucking love them!" If it's good enough for Chung...

I also found out that Topshop Unique had some interesting headgear on their catwalk. Displaying their animal obsession, models strutted with antlers and uber-bushy eye brows amongst other interesting ideas. Furry mittens, lots of faux fur added to the winter animal theme. Clearly I am way ahead of the fash-pack as I sported antlers and a furry gilet way back in October 2009. See below my antler effort sandwiched between Topshop Unique's creations. The last three images are Margaret Howell's designs:

Look how cute the red satchel is in the last one!! Margaret Howell A/W 2010, Topshop Unique A/W 2010. Photo sources: Grazia dot com and Guardian dot com

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